Food Review: Brad’s Plant Based Crunchy Kale Chips (Naked, Cheeze It Up & Vampire Killer)

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NOTE: This post is NOT sponsored or endorsed by Brad’s Plant Based. We paid for the products we tested out and are providing our honest opinions on it!

We follow a mostly whole food plant based lifestyle. Throughout our weight loss journey, we have tried to avoid snacking in between meals as much as possible for several reasons. Snacking can lead to eating extra calories that you really don’t need. In the past, we would snack “recreationally” – just eating for the sake of eating.

Since we have changed our lifestyle, we have eliminated 99% of our snacking, but there are still rare occasions where it can be nice to have a snack on hand! For example – when you are at the movies, traveling or any other time you are “out and about” and need an emergency snack handy. IF we are going to have a snack, we carefully read the nutrition labels and try to find someone as close to our plan as possible. Enter Brad’s Plant Based Crunchy Kale!

We sampled three varieties in the video above: Vampire Killer, Cheeze It Up & Naked

The number one thing we like about Brad’s Plant Based Kale is that it is not baked or fried like a typical kale chip. They use a low heat air-drying process. According to the back of the package, the process “allows water to evaporate while keeping in the phytonutrients, enzymes and antioxidants without adding any oil.” Since we try to get in as many nutrient dense foods as possible, we love any product that aligns with those values! We love the brand’s “snack with a purpose” mission – check out their website for more information.

Close up of the Cheez It Up flavor

When it comes to nutrition stats (see chart below for more info), you can eat an entire bag of these kale chips without feeling TOO guilty, though we would suggest sharing a bag with someone. There are two 1 oz (28g) servings in each bag, so if we are traveling and bring this along, we will usually split a bag. If we eat it at home, we like to divide it up into 4 servings and just eat a few at a time alongside another meal. After the video above was filmed, we have started keeping a few bags of these on hand, but do not go through them that often. I would say we only eat 1-2 bags total per month, if that.

Close up of the Vampire Killer flavor

We try to look for no-salt added options when possible. These do have chickpea miso as well as some added Himalayan Salt. The sodium counts (see below) are elevated for someone following a no-salt added diet, but we did find these to be lower in sodium that other brands on the shelf. You have to compromise if you want to eat products like this. We would rather compromise on sodium and prioritize finding oil-free options. They do provide a nice kick of protein, which is always good!

Okay, you’ve wait long enough! Let’s talk about taste! Be sure to check out the video above for our reactions to each flavor. In general, we both agreed they are all SUPER tasty! Jessica preferred the Naked variety for it’s unique red pepper flavor. Brian loved the Cheez It Up variety best for it’s surprisingly cheesy flavor, even without the cheese! The Vampire Killer variety has – as you might guess – a nice punch of garlic. All three varieties are crunchy, have a nice chewy bite and feature complex flavor profiles.

Close up of the Naked flavor

The final thing we will talk about is price. We found ours for $4.99 per bag at Whole Foods, but Jessica loves a good deal and also had some coupons to make them cheaper. Brad’s often has coupons attached right to the bags, so look for that and also purchase when they go on sale! After coupons and sale discounts, we probably paid closer to $2.99 per bag. We did include a link below to Amazon, but you might find the prices to be higher there, so check around!

Stock up when they are on sale at Whole Foods periodically
and look for coupons that may pop up on the bags from time to time.

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4 Responses to Food Review: Brad’s Plant Based Crunchy Kale Chips (Naked, Cheeze It Up & Vampire Killer)

  1. Sherry Hinkson says:

    Hey Guys! Love watching your videos and following your story! Just starting on my Nutritarian weight loss journey. Just wondering what soup and chili recipes you use? Didn’t see either in your recipe section! Thanks so much!

  2. Jolene says:

    Could you do me a favor???? P,ease!!! Figure out how to make kale chips in oven, dehydrator, or air fryer. I know you two can figure it out☺️
    Thank you in advance!!!!!!

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