Five Unexpected Results of Switching to a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet

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MEET THE KROCKS: We are a married couple who started on a life-changing whole food, plant-based weight loss journey in June 2018. To date, we have lost over 290 pounds combined and we aren’t done yet! Read Our Story

Follow our Journey:

When we started this journey, our number one goal was to lose weight. I started out at 285 pounds and Brian was 514 pounds, so we both had a TON of weight to lose. We chose our path on a whim after hearing about what Penn Jillette did to lose weight, so we really didn’t know what was in store for us.

The other day we were chatting about how things have changed over the past 14 months. It turns out, there are a lot of unexpected things we have experienced as a result of switching to a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet, so we thought we’d share! Check out the video and read below for more.

NOTE: We are not nutrition experts. We do not give out medical advice.
Contact your doctor if you have any concerns involving this diet. (
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Our Energy Levels Have Increased

I’m not going to lie… when we first started researching the switch to a WFPB diet, we were both concerned that we wouldn’t be getting enough protein and that it might impact our energy levels in a negative way. After making the switch, we were both surprised to notice an increase in our energy levels!

The increase definitely wasn’t something we noticed right away. It was a more gradual change over time as our bodies adjusted to this new lifestyle.

Brian was always able to get around pretty well for a 514-pound person, but these days he finds that his body requires less sleep (usually around six hours a night). He is able to be more active during the day as well. I still like to get a full eight hours of sleep when possible, but I notice that I don’t get tired during the middle of the day anymore and I am able to stay up much later.

Our Taste Buds Changed

My favorite thing about switching to a WFPB diet has been the fact that our taste buds have changed so much. There are so many foods I wouldn’t eat before that I enjoy on a daily basis now.

For example, before we made the switch, I did not like fresh strawberries or oranges. I know, that sounds crazy – who wouldn’t like those things?! Now these are two of my favorite fruits. Brian has grown to really enjoy eating raw broccoli – even without anything on it. We have both started enjoying tofu as well.

It is pretty amazing how taking away all of the extra salt, sugar and oil can really open you up to new flavors. We can actually TASTE the food now! Once you stop adding all of that stuff, you start to taste the natural sweetness in things like strawberries. I think it’s crazy that people add so much sugar to them now that I realize how good they taste on their own.

Not everything tastes better. I still don’t care for avocados and Brian doesn’t like cucumbers. For things we don’t like, we try to taste them again every few months or so, just hoping that we will grow to love them one day ๐Ÿ™‚

We Have A Greater Appreciation For Food

I was with a group at a restaurant the other day and I looked around at all of the food on the table. It was all cheesy, greasy food – very similar to what I would have eaten before we started this journey. I was envious of the people who were eating all of this food… until I had a little epiphany.

As they ate and discussed the food, none of them really seemed that impressed with it. Meanwhile, I was eating the “as close to WFPB as possible” dish that I ordered and absolutely LOVING it. It was then that I realized how much more appreciation I have for food these days.

Before we made the switch, I was like everyone else at that table. Everything tasted just “okay”… but not great. I think when following the “Standard American Diet,” our taste buds get SO bombarded that we constantly crave and desire MORE of everything. More salt, more oil, more sugar. When you start to take those things away, you can really appreciate food for what it is. It is really nice to not constantly be “searching” for something tasty to eat. When everything tastes better, you can just enjoy what is in front of you and appreciate it for what it is.

We Don’t Get Sick As Often

This one definitely snuck up on us unexpectedly! We actually didn’t even think about it until we were brainstorming ideas for this video.

We don’t really get sick anymore. I don’t remember the last actual cold I had. Brian got one a few months back and I think I caught it too, but my body fought it off really quickly and I barely even noticed.

I also used to have bad seasonal allergies with sneezing, runny nose, etc. I would get congested every night and wake up blowing my nose. I didn’t notice any of that this past year!

We Can Eat a Ton of Food & Still Lose Weight

With every other diet we have tried, we were always limiting the amount of food we ate. Portion control. Moderation. We hated it and we always felt hungry.

When we first started planning out our meals for the WFPB diet, we both thought there was NO way we could eat such large portions and still lose weight. But we followed the rule of eating until we felt satisfied and not overly stuffed… and the weight keeps coming off!

BONUS: All of Your Support!

When we first decided to make a few videos about our journey, we had NO idea how much support we would get. It has been the most amazing experience. Yesterday Brian told me we reached 1,000,000 views on our YouTube channel and I couldn’t believe it! That is crazy!

Thank you to everyone who has watched our videos, commented, shared, etc. You guys are building such a great community for us (or as some like to call it the “Krock’s Kommunity” LOL). We have learned so much from all of you and are amazed any time someone tells us they learned from or were inspired by us. This has certainly been one of the most unexpected parts of our journey so far.

What are some unexpected results you’ve noticed after switching to a whole food, plant-based diet? Let us know in the comments below!

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Presto!: How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales
Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

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10 Responses to Five Unexpected Results of Switching to a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet

  1. Rachel T. says:

    You guys are doing such a great job! Love your videos and really feel encouraged watching you succeed at this whole food diet. I just need to jump in!

  2. Gail says:

    great ideas – you guys are impressive

  3. Sheila Walling says:

    hey, I hated cucumbers as a child…I mean, I would take a whipping for not eating them rather than eat them! LOL BUT I have been kinda trying some of the Eat to Live stuff and discovered that I *LOVE* cucumbers when you julienne them and then cut them down even a bit more so they are like tiny diced cucumbers. I CRAVE them! It’s weird….lol And I will add them to ANYTHING! lol

    Also, y’all should try a taco salad bowl shell maker โ€ฆ.

    this jazzes up a salad ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Keep up the GREAT work! I am SO proud (and jealous!!) of y’all! ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

  4. Mary Ward says:

    You two are fortunate that you began a new life at a relatively young age, before serious health issues impacted you. Congratulations!

    At age 66, I made the switch to WFPB almost 2 months ago. Trying to get fully No SOS now. My goals are to significantly reduce Type 2 diabetes effects and end the need for prescription medications to treat diabetes, hypertension, and high triglycerides.

    Many influences have been nudging me toward this life for a couple of years. But the terrible pain of a herniated disc one year ago sent me looking for solutions to avoid chronic pain & full body inflammation. How Not To Die became my foundation. Like you I am studying all the other resources, authors, and programs. This is how I found your delightful videos, Facebook page, and just pushed the follow button on Instagram. I found a mentor who has lived this life for some years now and she teaches me, inspires me, answers questions, and give much needed support.

    Question: how have you coped with non-supporting relatives or friends, people who think you are crazy for doing this? I guess they donโ€™t think this any longer. Your success is prof.

    • Hello! We did have some people who thought we were crazy in the beginning (and we probably were with all of our potatoes LOL). But like you said, once we started losing the weight, our success was proof that we weren’t crazy! Most of our family & friends have been really supportive though ๐Ÿ™‚ Best of luck on your journey – keep us posted! It sounds like you are on a great path!

  5. Jenifer Watton says:

    Thank you for all you two do to share your success with the whole food plant based diet. I am encouraged and inspired to learn new recipes that you demonstrate clearly in your videos. A griddler is now on my list to find! I have been transitioning from a Standard Canadian Diet to a pesco vegetarian diet, to a WFPB diet.

    Congratulations on your collective weight loss, and on all the unexpected happy consequences as well!

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