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MEET THE KROCKS: We are a married couple who started on a life-changing whole food, plant-based weight loss journey in June 2018. To date, we have lost over 290 pounds combined and we aren’t done yet! Read Our Story
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The holidays are fun, but they can also be stressful when you are trying to stick to a brand new way of eating. You might put a lot of thought into what you’ll eat at a family gathering or wonder how you’ll respond to questions about your new lifestyle.
We thought it would be fun to pick some of the most popular questions we get asked at holiday gatherings and talk through our answers. These questions include everything from “What are you doing to lose weight?” to “When will you be able to eat ‘real’ food again?” Check out the video for more. Hopefully this will help you be better prepared for your own holiday celebrations!
I do want to point out that I think it is really important to avoid getting really defensive when fielding questions. We are both lucky to have really understanding and supportive families, but I know people who have told me their families are very judgmental of their lifestyle. We don’t try to “win” anyone over or convert them, we just answer any questions to the best of our ability. The last thing you want during the holidays is to get into an argument while trying to defend your lifestyle choice. Keep in mind that everyone has their own path and there are some people who will never agree with you, but that’s okay!

We also get asked by our viewers how we personally handle eating during the holidays. Do we “cheat” on our whole food plant-based diet? Do we eat non-vegan food? The answer is a bit more complex… but it honestly depends on the situation.
On the actual day of the holiday (i.e. Thanksgiving or Christmas), we tend to view it as a “rare and appropriate” occasion to eat whatever we want. Since we switched our diet, the food we want is a lot different than it was in the past, but we do still indulge in some non-vegan food. Check out the video to see us discuss how we handle different situations.
What questions have you been asked? How do you handle the holidays?
Comment below and let us know!

If you are new to us, learn more about our weight loss adventure here:
YouTube Playlist (all of our videos in order they were posted)
How We Got Started On Our Whole Food, Plant-Based Weight Loss Journey
How We Lost 270 Pounds (The “Secret” To Our Weight Loss)
One Year Weigh-In: WFPB Weight Loss Update + Non-Scale Victories
Q&A: Ten Personal Questions With The Krocks
Q&A: Our 290 Pound Weight Loss Journey
What We Eat In A Day For Weight Loss
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There’s always the protein question but the one I have the most fun with is when I talk about not using oil. They think they’ve found another opening to let me know how that’s not healthy – mostly because they hear it as “no fat” vs. “no oil” Rather than argue about the non-value of oil, I reply with a little sly fun “I’d rather chew the fat” Often they want to continue to debate but it throws them off enough that I it’s an opening to explain how I get the fat I need without oil. I went vegetarian 45 yrs. ago in meat and potatoes country – talk about them questioning my sanity. Great video
Just enjoyed your “thanksgiving” video. Thank you all.
You have pretty much covered all the comments (protein, “normal food”, etc.) that family may feel and say at holidays and gatherings. (I love the protein comment, ’cause – we should, really, be looking and watching to limit protein, not get more!)
I’ll be seeing family soon and will be inundated with a cesspool of disease, heart, diabetes, fat kids ;>(( , and so on. I’m a pretty forthright person and when I discovered and learned more about “real food” I tried to share it, zealously, with them. Unfortunately, that has been discontinued. My sister wouldn’t really speak to me for a while; others think I’m just nut. So, unless earnestly ask, me no go there any more.
Keep the videos coming.
Ever in Atlanta, you have a place to stay (really).
Thank you Jessica, Brian!
Paula Massey
Hopefully we can meet you in Atlanta some day 😀
Loving the video. I have experienced some of the comments you mention. I find that it gets easier each year – less desire to cheat. I am coming up on 6 years following the WFPB diet. Each year gets easier and I am more compliant at holidays. This year I was actually in thee hospital on my birthday and Thanksgiving, due to the perfect storm of events. I love your videos. Keep up the great work.
Thank you so much Kathy! 6 years – that is great! 🙂
I would eat your kale salad!