Ten “Bad” Things About Weight Loss (Loose Skin, Awkwardness, Gas & More)

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MEET THE KROCKS: We are a married couple who started on a life-changing whole food, plant-based weight loss journey in June 2018. To date, we have lost over 330 pounds combined and we aren’t done yet! Read Our Story

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We’ve done videos about “Five Unexpected Results of Switching To A Whole Food Plant Based Diet” and “Five Things We Thought Would Happen During Weight Loss That Didn’t.” Now we bring you… TEN “Bad” Things About Weight Loss!

Let me start by saying that, even though there are some “negative” aspects to losing weight, in the end, the health benefits and positives definitely outweigh any “bad” things. That being said, we like to be open and honest, so we thought we would share some of these more uncomfortable things.

So let’s get right on in to the list…

#10: Buying new clothes is actually a pain

Yes, buying new clothes SOUNDS like a blast. But in reality, it can be very stressful. First of all, you don’t know what sizes will fit you, so you are constantly having to try on several sizes and return things. For someone like Brian who hates shopping, this is not fun.

Second, you don’t really WANT to invest in a ton of brand new clothes when you aren’t at your final weight since you know (or at least hope) they won’t fit for long. And you might have a lot of people telling you that you need to buy new stuff that fits you or get things tailored… but in reality you just want to get by with what you have until you hit your goal.

#9: We get cold ALL the time

Without the extra fat to insulate us, we get REALLY cold! I’ve never seen Brian get so cold as he did this winter. My co-workers are always joking around with me about it because I’m always sitting at my desk wrapped in a blanket. Personally, I’d rather be cold than hot and sweaty, so this one isn’t TOO bad, but still something that takes adjusting for sure!

#8: My period / hormones got messed up (Jessica)

When you lose weight, your period can definitely get thrown off. Sometimes I miss one entirely or have mine a week early or late. This can definitely be stressful and also throw your hormones off. Just ask Brian about my mood swings… LOL!

In my experience, this has always returned to normal when my weight stabilizes, but in the meantime, it can be unpredictable. Of course, if you are concerned, you should talk to a doctor, but everything I have read says it is normal.

#7: My kinesthetic awareness is off (Brian)

Brian has lost nearly 200 pounds, so he finds that he no longer has a good physical sense of where his body is. He is still learning the new “confines” of his body. Maneuvering around furniture or in big crowds of people can be a challenge for him as a result.

#6: I fear that I’ll gain the weight back (Jessica)

As I have discussed previously, I have lost weight and put it back on so many times in my life. My biggest fear is that I’m going to gain the weight back. Living in “fear” of this can be overwhelming at times, but I find that the longer I do this, the better I feel. Also when I got off track earlier this year, that was a good chance for me to prove to myself that I know what I am doing and I can sustain this lifestyle.

#5: I’ve lost some strength and muscle mass (Brian)

Brian has definitely noticed some loss of muscle mass and strength as a result. We aren’t focusing on exercise right now, so he knew it would happen, but it just annoys him. Obviously as he gets closer to his “goal” weight (whatever that is), exercise will be more of a focus and I’m sure he can rebuild the muscle.

Brian would like me to state that he is still strong enough to pick me up with one arm. LOL.

#4: So many awkward conversations…

People don’t know if they SHOULD say something about your weight loss. They wonder if you’ll be more offended if they DO say something or if they pretend not to notice. People who haven’t seen you for a while might not even recognize you, and it is awkward trying to decide if you should re-introduce yourself.

People will also offer unsolicited advice on how you should be losing weight and tell you that what you are doing is wrong. You might feel like you have to “defend” your choices constantly.

You also might find yourself in groups of people who get really curious about your weight loss. If you’re like me and hate being the center of attention, this can get super awkward. Some of these groups might also have people who have already heard your “story” over and over… and you can tell they are annoyed having to listen AGAIN.

#3: Gas. Lots of gas.

This one is more specific to the whole food plant based diet we follow. If you eat a lot of plants… you’re probably gonna make some stinky gas. End of story.

#2: “Boney Butt Syndrome”

Yes, after losing over 330 pounds combined, our butts have lost a lot of their padding. As a result, we get uncomfortable after sitting on hard surfaces for too long. Brian definitely has more issues with this than I do, but I do notice I get uncomfortable more often. We will gladly take our boney butts over the extra 330 pounds any day!

#1: Loose skin & “wobbly bits”

And the number one “bad” thing… loose skin and what Brian likes to call “wobbly bits.” We get asked about this one a LOT. Of course, after losing hundreds of pounds, we have some loose skin. I have stretch marks. And there’s a bit of wobbly stuff going on.

We have learned to accept our bodies as they are, but it can still be hard. You’ve done all of this work to get rid of the weight, but you have to remember what you did to your body in the first place. And sometimes I think a little reminder isn’t necessarily a bad thing at all.

Be sure to watch the video and comment to let us know if you have any “bad” things to add to our list!

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7 Responses to Ten “Bad” Things About Weight Loss (Loose Skin, Awkwardness, Gas & More)

  1. Shirley E McGee says:

    I am so proud of you guys. I have always had trouble with my weight also. I had my stomach stapled then a few years later I had to have it reversed. I lost 100 pounds. I’m 5’2. I gain back 50 pounds. I have just started the Starch Solution. I did not weight before I started but I was around 200 pounds. I have lost at least 20 pounds. Some of my old clothes are starting to fit me. I know the loose skin won’t all go away. But, after about a year or so you will notice it will shrink a little. Your young. Good luck. I wish you the best. Shirley

  2. I loved Brian’s rapid eye blinks when Jessica mentioned her hormonal mood swings! 🙂 I can relate to the wobbly parts, and farts! HA! I just thought it was age related, rather than fiber! Keep up the great work! You both look wonderful and even younger now! Thank you for sharing so very much with all of us… things we needed to know!

  3. Cynthia Dunn says:

    My husband and I just found your videos and they are very inspiring. We are on our own weight loss journey so your videos are also encouraging. What app do you use?

  4. Barb Swiger says:

    Hello Krocks! Hubby Dave & I enjoy u so much and we can so relate to the big past losses & gainBacks, concern for each other’s health, the GAS, & saggy skin. We’ve been married for a long long time and have to tell you the health concerns are real and so important. Dave had some serious health problems over the past few yrs, so we finally realized they were possibly overweight induced, & we’re down over153# combined now. It feels so good and health is immensely better. It’s great that you’re doing this while you’re young. Keep that in mind as your goal for the future cuz you wouldn’t believe what we went through because of Dave’s failing health. Your love seems strong, a bit of sag won’t be an obstacle to that. Best for futures! Keep up the inspiring work. We appreciate you.

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