42 Days Into Getting “Back On Track”: Losing 24 Pounds While Gaining A New Perspective On Life

As you may remember, I made a video 42 days ago on March 15, 2020 “confessing” that I had gotten completely off track with my diet. I’m not even sure if I properly expressed (or… admitted?) in that video just how far off track I was at the time. I had gotten to a point where I was sneaking food and hiding it from Brian. I even hid it from my co-workers, for fear that they would judge me since I’ve tried to set such a good “example” since we started this new lifestyle. Continue reading

Recipe: Jessica’s Super Chocolatey “Nice” Cream Shake (Plant Based, Vegan)

About six weeks ago, I recorded a video of my “confession” that I had gotten completely off track with our whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet. As of that day (March 15, 2020), I am proud to say that I have been completely back “on track” with our WFPB lifestyle! One of the things that cause my downward spiral was definitely CHOCOLATE. So when I decided to get back on track, I had to find a way to not completely eliminate it but also feel good about eating it. Enter… chocolate “nice” cream milk shake! Continue reading

What We Eat (And Do) In A Day: Quarantine Edition (Whole Food, Plant-Based Vegan Diet)

We’ve been working from home for going on what feels like 2 years amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, so we thought it was time to show you what our lives are like these days. We filmed what we ate and also showed you a bit of our daily lives! Check it out and be sure to watch the video for more. Continue reading

Recipe: Spicy Buffalo-Style Chickpeas (Plant Based, Oil-Free, Vegan)

Brian has been getting creative since we are home ALL THE TIME now. He started making these buffalo-style chickpeas using a powdered hot sauce seasoning I had bought a while ago at Aldi. The only problem was, when Brian went to make this recipe, we realized just how much sodium was in the seasoning mix. So I challenged him to create something that tasted similar but cut way back on the sodium. And I have to admit, he succeeded on the first try! Continue reading

Q&A with CrayRay & Julieanna – Part 2: Ideal Body Weight, Metabolism, Potato Diet, Protein, Vegan Junk Food & More

We had SO many questions from our audience (and a ton that we wanted to ask ourselves), so Ray and Julieanna graciously agreed to continue the interview into a second part. In this part, we discussed a variety of topics, including that infamous potato diet, ideal body weight, contrast showers and the ever popular protein question. Continue reading

Pantry Staple Challenge: Black Bean & Corn Patties (Plant-Based, Oil-Free, Vegan Recipe)

In the midst of this global pandemic, most of us are currently stuck at home and trying to avoid any unnecessary trips to the grocery store. The good news is, if you are following a whole food plant based diet, there are TONS of shelf-stable pantry products that you can put together in endless combinations to create tasty meals. Continue reading